Beyond the first Qutee

Planning the next Qutee

Once you’ve concluded your conversation and analysed your discussion statistics you might be interested in more information. One method is to select the biggest topics on your previous Qutee and ask expansive questions and polls to dive deeper into the granular information from your users.

For help planning your engagement you can reach out to the Qutee team below

1st Qutee conclusion

Signing off active engagement.
Once you’ve reached your desired number of comments or a set duration and you no longer wish to keep active monitoring of your conversation and move on to your analysis, a summary comment thanking your audience can be a great way to invite a warmer rapport. This summary comment can be a great way to invite users to your next conversation too!

Pinning a summary comment
To ensure your summary comment it seen pinning the comment will bring it to the top of the comments stre

Building a Hub

A hub is a nexus for your conversations that can be shared en masse. You can start building a hub by hovering your cursor over the create drop menu in the top menu, then click on the hub button. Once built you can link to any Qutee to tailor make your hub. The Hub itself can be linked externally to allow your audience to choose where they want to share.