
For power users, the dashboard enables access to a deeper level of information resources. You can filter through the topic clusters of your Qutee to present sentiment clouds on various aspects & features to quickly build scope specific data, review the Q approval rating and participation timelines, and quickly sort through comments for any source tagging in your references.

How is this useful to me?

Gain Insights into any market: Whether you’re an influencer trying to grow their channel or a marketing director looking to gather insights in order to grow your business in a positive way, Qutee can help organize feedback gained from the discussion.

Engagement your Users Like: Qutee creates an environment that’s friendly, interactive, and highly effective in gaining strong engagement from any audience.

Collect Valuable Insights: Using Q gauge, polls, and comment filters you can collect detailed insights from your conversation. Comment Length, Super sized focus groups

NLP analysis of comments

This is a graphical grid view of all the topics discussed in the conversation you host. Here topics can have their comments presented in the context window individually or in topic clusters to enable detailed analysis.

    • Functionality
      • Tag sorting
        • Selecting multiple features to expand the results
        • Selecting multiple features to narrow down the results
      • Building sentiment clouds from topic cluster
        • Data templating through arranging interrelated topics by linear processed human review to create consistent accurate summations of the full volumes of topic and sentiment statistics derived from the conversation.

Top 20 sentiment ratings

A bar graph presenting the 20 most used sentiment words is shown here where each of the sentiments can be clicked to present the NLP Analysis of topics within that sentiment cluster.

Comparing starred topics

Topic can be arranged for easy side by side comparison for multiple qutees. The slide bar can be used to view all your selected topics.

Q approval rating timeline

This is a scalable line graph showing this timeline of users approval of the Qutee and discussion

Participation timeline

A scalable line graph allowing inspection of when users have participated in your Qutee. This can be used to measure the effectiveness of your pushes and promotions

Comments timeline

Similar in function the the participations timeline except specifically tracking comments


The Stream is the Dashboards view of the most recent comments users have written

Representational comments

All the comments Starred by the conversation creator are shown here in plain text.